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In This Together Cards

The perfect new mum gift: in this together cards

Regular price £20.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £20.00 GBP
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Twelve in this together cards: words of support in a beautiful keepsake box; for new (or experienced!) Mums. 

To be opened at all milestones of motherhood, including when:

  • You have a million things to do
  • You feel as if everyone else knows what they're doing and you don't
  • You've had no sleep
  • You don't like what you see in the mirror
  • You've just had the worst car journey of your life ...and many more. 

100% recycled materials. 

£1 of each box donated to Ukrainian Women's Fund



Sending a Gift

If you'd like to send the cards to someone else's address, or you'd like to include a little message that we can hand write for you - pop us an email once you've placed your order. We are working on having this on the website, but for now, tell us what you need and we will fulfill it personally.